
This website is a tool for people with power and privilege who want to learn more about issues of social justice and want to do a better job talking to their friends and family about it. We give advice about how to have conversations with other powerful and privileged people about racism and sexism and other forms of oppression.

Our goal is that by using this website, we (people with power & resources) will be able to:

  • Educate ourselves about personal bias and institutional oppression

  • Gain confidence in our ability to have conversations about justice and oppression

  • Have more conversations in which we successfully help someone else understand something about racism, sexism, bias, and oppressive systems

  • Gain confidence in our ability to disrupt racist or sexist comments and actions, and thus do it more often

  • Through our conversations, inspire action to dismantle systems of oppression

Why talk to your people?

When we say “your people,” we really mean that - your friends, your family, your peers, your loved ones. People are more likely to listen and learn when they are talking with someone they already know and trust, and people are more likely to change their minds about something if they hear about it from someone in their social circle. Peer pressure is powerful, and we want to use it for good. We believe that white people, men, hetero and cis people and other privileged, powerful groups have not done a great job educating themselves or talking amongst themselves about issues of social justice and oppression. Many of us want to, but we don’t know how or we think it’s too hard, too uncomfortable or too socially risky. The result of that is simple: continued white supremacy, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, ableism, Islamophobia, etc. Talking won’t solve these problems, but getting people on board with the fact that they are problems is a very important piece of the puzzle. That’s where we come in - so please, use our ideas and resources to finally start your own conversations and bring more people into the fight for justice.